Honey from Customer Center Volvo CE
Take the opportunity to support Min Stora Dag by buying some real local produced honey from our own Beehive at the Customer Center area.
7,110 kr
11 Days left
Recent activity
Carola Säll donated 120 kr
Anders Rehnström donated 150 kr
Ann-Sofie Räftegård donated 500 kr
William Law donated 150 kr
Carl Slotte donated 500 kr
Tomas Lindberg donated 130 kr
Melker Jernberg donated 120 kr
Peter Jordansson donated 240 kr
Bianca Schütze donated 150 kr
Tinette Roy donated 150 kr
Darya Rasol donated 200 kr
Martyn Luby donated 120 kr
Max Häggberg donated 120 kr
Alexandra Bergström donated 150 kr
Susanne Karlsson donated 120 kr
Helena Blomstrand donated 150 kr
Johannes Nordgren donated 200 kr
Pär Kusserow donated 300 kr
Tom Nilsen donated 120 kr
Jim Fre donated 120 kr
Greger Svanström donated 250 kr
Martyn Luby donated 150 kr
Peter Holmberg donated 120 kr
Sarah Princis donated 120 kr