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Min Stora Dag
My Special Day (Min Stora Dag) is a Swedish not-for-profit organisation which specialises in granting wishes to seriously ill and sick children age four to eighteen years old.

Thousands of children in Sweden suffer from serious illnesses and diagnoses which make their daily lives very difficult. A constant battle with their medical condition can lead to exclusion from interacting with their peers.

My Special Day is the only nationwide organisation which makes a difference to the everyday lives of children in hospitals all over Sweden. The charity create special memories which help to break up the constant cycle of treatment and suffering they are experiencing.

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7 510 kr
61 Dagar kvar

Senaste aktivitet

  • Tove Lundgren Min Stora Dag
    Thank you so much for picking My Special Day as your fundraiser benificiary! Every year thousands of children experience a Special Day that gives strength and happiness in a tough everyday life. Together, we make a difference for children and adolescents with critical illnesses and diagnoses.

    Warm regards,
    My Special Day
  • Emily Spelman Emily Spelman gav £10

    From London

  • Anonym Anonym gav £15

  • Anonym Anonym gav £15

  • Kelsey Williams Kelsey Williams gav £10

  • Aidan  Gray Aidan Gray gav 150 kr

  • Alexandra Evreinoff Alexandra Evreinoff gav 15 €

  • Rajah S Rajah S gav £10

  • India Bascome India Bascome gav $15

  • Mandy Rico Mandy Rico gav 100 kr

  • Zoe Cooke Zoe Cooke gav 200 kr

  • sally whatley sally whatley gav 150 kr


  • Anonym Anonym gav £15

  • Virginia Tirado Virginia Tirado gav £15

  • Mel Met Mel Met gav £30

  • Simona Tiplea Simona Tiplea gav 500 kr

  • Sara Halpern Sara Halpern gav 500 kr

  • Martin Mulligan Martin Mulligan gav £30

  • Corporate Research Forum Corporate Research Forum gav 800 kr

    Spotify are valued CRF Members

  • Josefin Holmberg Josefin Holmberg gav 500 kr

  • Abbie  Dawson Abbie Dawson gav £15

  • Creative Focus International Creative Focus International gav £15

    Great investment in the future of the HR profession !

  • Norelle Briggs Norelle Briggs gav £10

  • Anonym Anonym gav £10