At Eataly, we believe that food unites us all. Good food brings us together and helps us find a common point of view. For this reason, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of our company, on the 26th of January, we have decided to dedicate our passion for high-quality food to support Min Stora Dag with a fundraising dinner event.
During the event, accompanied by a nice pianist, a special menu, created for the occasion, will be served in our main restaurant starting from 18.00.
20% of sales of the special menu and 10% of total sales of the restaurant during dinner will be donated to Min Stora Dag.
Mixed Italian Antipasti
Risotto with mushrooms and truffle
PRICE: 455 SEK (per person)
This year, we want to celebrate our birthday with everyone. Support us to create a joyful and delicious memory for yourself and for children and young adults that deserve it!
Book your spot for the special menu HERE
or reserve your seat at the restaurant for the normal menu HERE
During the event, accompanied by a nice pianist, a special menu, created for the occasion, will be served in our main restaurant starting from 18.00.
20% of sales of the special menu and 10% of total sales of the restaurant during dinner will be donated to Min Stora Dag.
Mixed Italian Antipasti
Risotto with mushrooms and truffle
PRICE: 455 SEK (per person)
This year, we want to celebrate our birthday with everyone. Support us to create a joyful and delicious memory for yourself and for children and young adults that deserve it!
Book your spot for the special menu HERE
or reserve your seat at the restaurant for the normal menu HERE
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Isabella Limslätt
Varmt tack för att ni har valt Min Stora Dag som förmånstagare till er insamlingsmiddag. Vi på Min Stora Dag önskar er en fin kväll. Kramar från kansliet. <3